Does VSCO Notify Screenshots? Everything You Need to Know

Instasize Team
April 3, 2023

Are you a VSCO user who's concerned about privacy and wondering if VSCO notifies users when someone takes a screenshot of their photo? In this article, we'll answer that question and provide you with everything you need to know about VSCO notifications.

Does VSCO Notify Users When Someone Takes a Screenshot?

The short answer is no. VSCO does not notify users when someone takes a screenshot of their photo. However, this applies only to photos shared on VSCO. If you post your VSCO photo on other social media platforms like Instagram, Facebook, or Twitter, VSCO has no control over whether those platforms notify you if someone takes a screenshot of your photo.

What Notifications Does VSCO Offer?

VSCO offers various notifications to its users, including:

Likes and Comments

VSCO notifies users when someone likes or comments on their photo. Users can also turn off notifications for likes and comments if they prefer not to receive them.


VSCO notifies users when someone reposts their photo. If a user does not want their photo to be reposted, they can turn off the "Repost" feature in their account settings.

Follow Requests

VSCO notifies users when someone sends them a follow request. Users can choose to accept or decline the request.

In-App Messages

VSCO allows users to send direct messages to each other within the app. Users receive a notification when they receive a new message.

How to Manage VSCO Notifications

If you're getting too many notifications from VSCO, you can manage them by following these steps:

  1. Open the VSCO app and go to your profile. 2/ Tap on the three dots in the top right corner.
  2. Select "Settings."
  3. Tap "Notifications."
  4. Here, you can turn on or off notifications for likes, comments, reposts, and follow requests.

Final Thoughts

VSCO does not notify users when someone takes a screenshot of their photo. However, it's essential to keep in mind that this only applies to photos shared on VSCO. If you share your VSCO photo on other social media platforms, those platforms may notify you if someone takes a screenshot of your photo. It's also crucial to manage your VSCO notifications to avoid getting overwhelmed.