How Many Listings Should I Have on Etsy?

Instasize Team
July 5, 2024

How Many Listings Should I Have on Etsy?

Alright, let's talk about Etsy.

You're probably wondering, "How many listings should I have on Etsy to actually make sales?"

Starting Out: What's the Magic Number?

When you're just starting out, it's tempting to load up your shop with everything you can create. But there's a sweet spot. Most seasoned Etsy sellers recommend starting with at least 20-30 listings.

More listings mean greater visibility and more chances to attract different types of customers.

Quality Over Quantity

It's important to remember that not all listings are created equal.

Instead of focusing solely on the number of listings, focus on quality.

  • Great photos
  • Detailed descriptions
  • SEO-friendly titles and tags

If your listings look professional and appealing, they'll convert better.

The Power of Frequent Updates

Another strategy that sellers swear by is frequently updating your shop.

  • Add new listings regularly
  • Update your older listings
  • Rotate items to the top of your shop

This keeps your shop fresh and signals to Etsy's algorithm that you're an active seller.

Managing Listings Efficiently with Instasize

Now, managing all these listings can be a headache.

That's where Instasize comes in handy.

How Instasize Can Help

  • Image Resizing & Cropping: Make your product photos look consistent and professional.
  • Image Optimization: Boost your listing's loading speed.
  • Magic Fill/Uncrop: Quickly adjust your images to fit Etsy's photo requirements without having to retake them.
  • Cloud Storage: Store all your product images in one place, making it easy to update and manage listings.

Efficiently managing your Etsy shop can make a world of difference.


How many listings should I start with on Etsy?

Start with at least 20-30 listings to maximize your visibility.

Is it better to have more listings?

More listings can give you better exposure, but focus on quality over quantity.

How often should I update my Etsy shop?

Regular updates keep your shop fresh and can improve your ranking on Etsy.

Can Instasize help with managing my Etsy shop?

Absolutely! With features like image resizing, optimization, and cloud storage, Instasize can save you tons of time and effort.

So there you have it. A straightforward guide to figuring out how many listings you need on Etsy. Now go out there and make some sales!