Trying to step up your Insta-game? Don’t forget that Instagram’s all about the visuals. Which means, if you’re going to build your brand organically using this platform, you’re going to have to bring your A-game to the next photo op!
Here’s how you get started: Choose the right location.
In a city like Greensboro, there are quite a few scenic areas for you to choose from. Whether you’re a resident of the metropolitan area, or you’re just in the city for a little while, it can get pretty overwhelming (or tedious) to sift through the long list of tourist attractions and historic landmarks that Greensboro has to offer.
But don’t worry, we already did all the work for you. Here’s a list of the 11 best places to take pictures in Greensboro, NC!
1. Greensboro Science Center
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• Spent the day with these two in awe of dinosaurs, feeding goats, chasing chickens, scaring peacocks and talking to Alpacas ✨the best! #CarisJayde #KasenAnthony
A post shared by kaché byrd (@thisbyrdsnest) on Oct 25, 2018 at 4:29pm PDT
Aquarium? Check. Museum? Check.
Spending the day at the Greensboro Science Center will give you a lot of variety in your content. AND you get the chance to see red pandas... what more could you wish for?
2. Guilford Courthouse National Military Park
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ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ ㅤ ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ هذي المنطقة التاريخية بمدينة Greensboro 😍 كانت السيول تمر فوق الارض (نفس نظام السواقي) لين تصب بالبحيرات 🚣🏻🎣 الحين كله تحت الارض 😅 ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ ㅤ ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤالمكان هذا تاريخي ومهم عند الامريكان عشان معركة صارت فيه عام 1781م وكانت من أسباب استقلال امريكا عن بريطانيا 🇬🇧🇺🇸🔫🏇🏽 الموقع فيه متحف تاريخي جميل 😍 وفيه صورة لعبودي تحت بحسابي جنب مدفع من المدافع اللي استخدموها بالمعركة 💣👀 احد منكم يحب يزور الأماكن التاريخية والمتاحف؟ ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ ㅤ ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ
A post shared by د. فيصل الحسيني | F. Alhusayni (@falhusayni) on Aug 16, 2015 at 11:46am PDT
Learn more about the history of Greensboro with a visit to the Military Park. You get the chance to explore the monuments and outdoor exhibits commemorating the historic events of 1781, while enjoying the scenery in the area.
3. The Arboretum
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happy #earthday beautiful souls ✨🌲🌙🌀✌🏻💫🍄🌞 always remember to love ur mother and don’t litter! something may seem like small but can come together to make something much bigger! Conserve and preserve baby. peace and love to everyone
A post shared by allie augustin🌻🌈 (@allietibbs) on Apr 22, 2018 at 12:37pm PDT
Is your content feed looking a little blah? Here’s a simple trick that’ll instantly bring more visual dimension to your photos: Use plants.
Instead of reaching for your houseplant or posing in front of some makeshift flower wall, head to the Arboretum for the real deal.
Whether you’re going in for a close-up or you’re taking nature shots at a distance, the natural vibrancy and texture of flowers and leaves will add a little something extra to your shots.
There’s also nothing better than having a botanical garden in the background of a selfie.
4. Revolution Mill
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They scared to face the truth cuz they hating the view🌹 #model
A post shared by @ gaill_99 on Oct 14, 2018 at 1:20pm PDT
There’s something about a quaint, historic district that adds a humanistic quality to your photos. This is one of the best places to take pictures in San Francisco if the vibe you’re going for is antiquity.
5. Downtown Greensboro
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3:33 🏳️🌈
A post shared by Deona🌸 (@indian.xlove) on Jan 27, 2019 at 12:34pm PST
Head downtown for one of the best places to take pictures in Greensboro!
Some of the coolest shots are usually taken in the most densely populated areas of a city, either featuring its daily hustle and bustle, or a view of the skyline.
In these urban areas, it’s even better in the evening with the contrast of the bright city lights.
6. UNCG Campus
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I don’t keep up with the Joneses, I am the Joneses. #period
A post shared by Noah Ihekaire (@_eatyourcarrots) on Feb 7, 2019 at 9:35am PST
For some reason, hanging out at a school campus is that much more appealing when you’re not enrolled there. The University of North Carolina at Greensboro is full of Insta-worthy spots for you to check out.
7. Greensboro Murals
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#macmiller by @jeks_nc in Greensboro, NC with @rockersprintshop. #jeksnc #jeks #Greensboro #greensborostreetart #greensborograffiti #greensboromurals #muralsofgreensboro
A post shared by @ tschelovek_graffiti on Sep 13, 2018 at 7:01pm PDT
No Instagram feed is complete without featuring a bit of street art in a post or two. Graffiti art is the easiest way to add some edge to your feed!
8. Gateway Gardens
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“carmen you been glowin since you got to A&T”
A post shared by Carmen Renee’ 🥀 (@creneew__) on Nov 12, 2018 at 4:17pm PST
Since we’ve already established that plants are great for the ‘gram, here’s another botanical garden! Gateway Gardens is a beautiful place for you to take great photos while enjoying its peaceful setting.
9. Greensboro Coliseum Complex
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Luke never disappoints 😌
A post shared by ☆ Lexi Cook ☆ (@lexi_cookkk) on Feb 3, 2019 at 9:51am PST
Fun fact: This arena has a seating capacity of over 23,000!
This is probably one of the best places to take pictures in Greensboro, NC! Your Instagram feed just isn’t complete without a visit to one of the largest arenas in the South, while you’re in Greensboro.
10. Greensboro History Museum
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U N D E R S T A N D M E 🤙🏾 💕
A post shared by Galak Charleigh (@galakcharleigh) on Nov 12, 2017 at 9:06pm PST
Go back in time with a trip to the Greensboro History Museum! This is a popular spot to learn more about the history of the city.
11. Greensboro Country Park
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Enjoying my lunch break outside and reminiscing on yesterday’s ride #LovingThisWeather #SundayFunday
A post shared by Joshua Chandler (@jdchandler17) on Feb 4, 2019 at 11:58am PST
If you’re more of an outdoorsy person, the Country Park might become one of your favorite places to take pictures in San Francisco! With hand-curated trail maps, you could either go on a hike or an adventure in between photo ops.