How to Take Real Estate Photos

Instasize Team
April 19, 2023

Real estate photography is an essential component of any property listing. It can make or break a sale, as potential buyers will often judge a property based on the photos they see online. In this guide, we'll show you how to take professional-looking real estate photos that will make your listings stand out.

Plan Your Shoot

Before you start taking photos, you need to plan your shoot. This means deciding on the best time of day to shoot, considering the weather, and deciding on the areas of the property you want to highlight.

Best Time of Day

The best time to take real estate photos is usually early in the morning or late in the afternoon. This is known as the "golden hour" when the light is soft and warm, casting a beautiful glow on the property. Avoid shooting during the middle of the day when the light is harsh and unflattering.


Weather can play a big role in the look of your photos. Overcast days can be great for shooting as the light is diffused and even. However, if it's raining or snowing, you may need to reschedule your shoot.

Highlighting the Property

Think about the areas of the property you want to highlight in your photos. The main living areas, bedrooms, and bathrooms are usually a good place to start. Make sure the rooms are tidy and clutter-free before you start shooting.

Set Up Your Gear

Once you've planned your shoot, it's time to set up your gear. Here's what you'll need:

  • A digital camera with a wide-angle lens
  • A tripod
  • A flash
  • A remote trigger
  • A level

Camera Settings

Set your camera to shoot in RAW mode. This will give you more control over the final image in post-processing. Use a wide-angle lens to capture more of the room in a single shot. Set your aperture to f/8 or higher to ensure that everything in the room is in focus.


Using a tripod is essential for real estate photography. It will help you keep the camera steady and level, ensuring that your photos are sharp and in focus.


A flash is essential for filling in shadows and adding light to dark rooms. Use a remote trigger to fire the flash from a distance to avoid any camera shake.


Use a level to ensure that your camera is straight and level. Crooked photos can be distracting and make the property look unprofessional.

Using iPhone To Take Real Estate Photos

Using an iPhone to take real estate photos is a great option for those who don't have access to a professional camera. iPhones are equipped with high-quality cameras that can produce stunning images, especially in good lighting conditions. With the latest models featuring multiple lenses and advanced camera settings, you can easily capture wide-angle shots, adjust the exposure and white balance, and even shoot in RAW mode. Additionally, there are plenty of photo editing apps available that can help you fine-tune your photos to make them look more professional. However, it's important to keep in mind that an iPhone camera may not have the same level of detail and quality as a professional camera, so it's important to experiment with different settings and angles to get the best possible results.

Stage the Property

Before you start taking photos, it's important to stage the property. This means removing clutter and personal items and making the property look as neutral as possible.


Remove any clutter from the rooms, such as toys, books, and magazines. Clear away any personal items, such as family photos and toiletries.


Make sure the property is clean and tidy before you start taking photos. Clean any surfaces, vacuum the floors, and wipe down the windows.

Add Props

Add some props to the rooms to make them look more inviting. For example, add a vase of flowers to the dining room table or a bowl of fruit to the kitchen counter.

Take the Photos

Now that you've planned your shoot, set up your gear, and staged the property, it's time to start taking photos. Here are some tips to keep in mind:

Shoot from the Corner

When shooting a room, position yourself in a corner of the room to capture as much of the space as possible. This will also give the room more depth and make it look larger.

Use a Wide Angle Lens

Use a wide-angle lens to capture more of the room in a single shot. This will help give potential buyers a better sense of the layout of the property.

Shoot in Landscape Orientation

Shoot in landscape orientation to capture more of the room. This will also help make the property look more spacious and inviting.

Show Off the View

If the property has a great view, be sure to capture it in your photos. Position the camera so that the view is visible through the windows.

Bracket Your Shots

Bracketing your shots means taking multiple photos at different exposure levels. This will give you more options when editing the photos in post-processing.

Experiment with Angles

Try taking photos from different angles to find the most flattering shot of each room. For example, you might try shooting from a high angle to make the room look larger or from a low angle to emphasize the ceiling height.

Edit Your Photos

Once you've taken your photos, it's time to edit them. Here are some tips to get you started:

Crop and Straighten

Crop and straighten your photos to remove any distractions and make the room look more inviting.

Adjust the White Balance

Adjust the white balance to ensure that the colors in your photos are accurate. This is especially important if you shot in RAW mode.

Boost the Contrast

Boosting the contrast can help make your photos look more dynamic and professional.

Remove Distractions

Use the clone stamp tool to remove any distracting elements from your photos, such as a stray cord or a blemish on the wall.

Using Instasize to Edit Real Estate Photos

Instasize is a powerful photo editing app that can help you resize and edit your real estate photos quickly and easily. With Instasize, you can crop and resize your photos to fit the dimensions of different listing sites, as well as adjust the exposure, white balance, and color saturation to make your photos look more professional. Additionally, Instasize offers a range of filters and editing tools that can help you enhance your photos and give them a unique look and feel. You can also use Instasize to add text and graphics to your photos, which can be useful for highlighting features of the property or adding branding elements to your listing. Overall, Instasize is a great tool for real estate agents who want to quickly and easily edit and resize their photos for online listings.


Taking professional-looking real estate photos isn't difficult, but it does take some planning and preparation. By following the tips in this guide, you'll be able to create photos that will make your property listings stand out and attract potential buyers. Remember to plan your shoot, set up your gear, stage the property, take the photos, and edit them in post-processing. With a little practice and experimentation, you'll be taking stunning real estate photos in no time.