Resize LinkedIn Header

Your LinkedIn header image is a key component of your profile, and having the right dimensions is crucial for a professional appearance. The LinkedIn Header Image Size tool helps you generate header images with the perfect dimensions, ensuring they look great and leave a lasting impression.

Optimizing Your LinkedIn Header Image Size

Your LinkedIn header image is one of the first things that visitors notice when they land on your profile, and it plays a vital role in creating a professional and engaging impression. Selecting the right header image size can enhance your personal brand and make your profile visually appealing. Additionally, optimizing your header image size ensures that it displays correctly and looks great on all devices.

The Importance of Choosing the Right LinkedIn Header Image Size

Choosing the right LinkedIn header image size is crucial for creating a cohesive and visually appealing profile. Consider your branding, content style, and overall aesthetic when selecting your header image size. A well-designed header image can convey your professional identity and leave a lasting impact on visitors. Furthermore, optimizing your header image size guarantees that your profile appears consistent and visually appealing across different devices and screen sizes.

Tips for Optimizing Your LinkedIn Header Image Size

To optimize your LinkedIn header image size, pay attention to factors such as image resolution, file size, and the style of your profile. Use high-quality images that represent your personal brand and content effectively. Ensure that important elements of your header image are centered and visible, as the dimensions may vary on different devices. Additionally, consider the file size of your header image to maintain optimal loading speed without compromising image quality.

How to resize image for LinkedIn Header Image?

Step 1

Choose your image

Select the image you want to use as your LinkedIn Header Image.

Step 2

Upload and resize your image

Upload your image and our tool will automatically resize it to the recommended dimensions for LinkedIn Header Images.

Step 3

Save LinkedIn Header Image

Once resized, you can download the optimized LinkedIn Header Image to your device.

Frequently asked questions

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The recommended header image size for LinkedIn is 1584 x 396 pixels. This size ensures that your header image displays correctly and looks great on all devices.

More Linkedin Sizes

Here are more Linkedin asset sizes with their own dimensions.